This is Holly

This is Guus
Hola, we are Holly and Guus. In December 2021 and January 2022 we made a trip through Costa Rica with the Green Circle Experience. In this web blog we would like to share our experience. First, we would like to introduce ourselves. As you can see in the picture's above, the one on the left is Holly and the one on the right is Guus. At the time Holly was following a master’s in international law and Human Rights in Costa Rica and because Guus is a good boyfriend, he decided to visit her. Because we had little time to plan a mind-blowing trip ourselves, we contacted the lovely people at the Green Circle Experience. We were lucky we did, because it was a trip we never could have planned ourselves. If we got your attention, we would like to share our amazing trip through our lens. Enjoy!
If you want to know more and get in contact with us, u an use the contact form here: